Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here We Go!

So Lili and I have decided to do a bit of an experiment. Given our recent hobby of creating/eating delicious new foods, we thought it would be fun to create a place where we could chronicle the things we make as well as the places we eat! We also thought it would be fun to invite anyone else out there to contribute to this blog. If you recently tried out a new recipe and loved it, rediscovered an old classic, or simply ate at an awesome restaurant we want you to share it with everyone else! Think of it like an online cooking club or recipe group or something like that. Good food is meant to be shared, and who better to do that with than your family and friends! Seriously, anything and everything is welcome. Don't be shy! Just write up a little blurb about the recipe/eating establishment, send it on over to Lili or myself and we'll post it on the site noting you as the author. Simple as pie! Mmmmm...pie... I know what I'm making next!

Happy cooking!

For those who are wondering about the title of the blog, I will attempt to explain. Yes, I agree that it's cheesy, but that's just my style I guess. The name came to me in an epic dream one night: I was a spice merchant traveling from city to city around the world selling exotic spices and herbs. At each location, people would line up around the block to buy my spices out of a little shack and would shout my praises: "Mr. Spice Guy!" "Huzzah, Mr. Spice Guy is here!" "I can't wait to buy some of his incredible cinnamon!" Extremely nerdy? Yes. Too much Food Network? Perhaps. But any less awesome? No way! From the moment I awoke, I knew the name had to be shared. Mr. Spice guy is my name, and spices are my game... haha. One can dream can't he? So there you have it. And since I personally cannot live up to the title of "Mr. Spice Guy," it has become the title of this blog. Like I said, it had to be shared, one way or the other. In any case, at least now I have a killer name for a Food Network show!


  1. Hahahaa, that is the funniest dream I've ever heard! And such a clever title for the blog. I just found an AMAZING and healthy soup recipe yesterday, so I will have to share it :)

  2. fun idea. i am going to find a recipe i haven't thought of for years and send it in. potato candy.

  3. Awesome! I can't wait to read and possibly contribute to this blog! You guys are going to love the variety of cuisine around here. We should have an exotic food night once a month or something, and try a new restaurant every time. It would be a blast. This place has every kind of food imaginable. Then you'll have all kinds of restaurant reviews. Love the title, too!
